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1. Funds will be directed to a 501(c)(3) institution within the United States to support mentored transition to independent research and improve knowledge of the causes and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases.

2. The period of the award is 1 year.

3. A one-year no cost extension may be granted upon one page explanation and written request more than 45 days prior to end of the first year of funding.

3. The awardee will have 15% effort dedicated to research.

4. The 501(c)(3) Institutions who fail to comply with the conditions of the scholarship may be ineligible for future funding.


The following conditions apply to the 501(c)(3) recipient of a Robert Machemer Foundation Scholarship:

A.  All funds shall be used solely and exclusively for the purpose of the mentoring and research proposed in the successful application and within the terms of the agreement.

B.  Expenditure of funds for any other purpose requires specific prior written permission from The Robert Machemer Foundation.

C.  The award is subject to agreement that no more than 10% of funds shall be applied to infrastructure, overhead, or levied “taxes”. 

D.  A complete account of scholarship funds expended shall be supplied to The Robert Machemer Foundation 12 months after the date of receipt of the grant.

E.  The support of The Robert Machemer MD and International Retinal Research Foundation Fellowship must be acknowledged in all publications of work funded wholly or in part by the Fellowship.

F.   Grantees shall communicate research findings in peer-reviewed literature and in national or international retinal meetings, such as, meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, American Society of Retinal Surgeons or Vail Vitrectomy Meeting .

G.  The awardee is responsible for submission of a one-half page summary of research and educational accomplishments in non-technical terms, which can be published by The Robert Machemer Foundation. The report is due at the time of the 12-month report.

H.  Fellowship Awards are subject to objective evaluation and are awarded to a limited number of applicants. This funding is being provided solely for educational and research purposes. Any unused funds must be returned to The Robert Machemer Foundation unless the institution has requested a one-year extension, and has received approval from the Robert Machemer Foundation for this.

I.    The Robert Machemer Foundation requires awardee to comply with the ethical research standards of their institution and all pertinent federal, state and local regulations.

J.    The Robert Machemer Foundation and The International Retinal Research Foundation make no claims on IP developed by the Awardee.

K.  Should the institution anticipate changes in the scholarship circumstances or situation for reasons including, but not limited to, discontinuation of the program or the participant, The Robert Machemer Foundation must be notified promptly. If forfeiture, temporary suspension, or termination of the grant is desired or warranted by The Robert Machemer Foundation or the institution, a written agreement of the same shall be executed, terminating the agreement. Institution will promptly return any unused funds to The Robert Machemer Foundation at that time.

© 2022 The Robert Machemer Foundation

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