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Submit a single pdf file of the letter of intent materials to: (cc: by June 2, 2023

**minimum of 11 point font.

Part 1. 

1.  Name, address and email address of future 501(c)(3) Institution

2.  Name, address and email address of proposed Robert Machemer MD and IRRF Fellow

3.  Name, address and email address of proposed mentor for research training

4.  Title of Mentored Research Plan and a Lay description (200 words max)

Part 2. 

Draft budget description for $100,000: comment on cost sharing of personnel, facilities and equipment (e.g. Department and other support) beyond the $100,000 (1/2 page)


Part 3. Applicant Information and Proposal:

1.  NIH-style biosketch of applicant

2.  Applicant description of their pathway to independent research with this support (1 page)

3.  Research training proposal (2 pages maximum, without bibliography) should address the following:

1.  Research hypothesis, long term goal, Aims, impact of the proposed work

2.  Significance relative to understanding the causes and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases, and to the Scholar’s educational goals.

3.   Approach

 4.  Bibliography (no more than 15 references pertinent to the project)


Part 4. Mentor:

1.  NIH-style biosketch of proposed mentor

2.  Letter (no more than 2 pages) from proposed mentor who must be a faculty member of the 501(c)(3) organization, briefly describing: 

(1) support of the applicant, resources that will assure success

(2) statement that more than 15% time of the awardee will be protected for research,

(3) mentoring/training plan demonstrating coordination with the applicant


After Pre-Award Notice. Letter of research agreement from the 501(c)(3) organization:

1.   Upon selection as an awardee, the final step will be verification by the awardee's not-for-profit  institution:

        that it is a qualified 501(c)(3) Institiution.

        that indirect charges and taxes of greater than10% will not be applied to the funds.

        that the institution supports the proposal and the awardee with 15% or greater effort in mentored research.

Important Deadlines and Dates:

applications due June 23, 2022 

A report of Machemer Scholarship research activities, expenditure of funds, publications, and a lay summary are due to the Robert Machemer Foundation by June 30 of the following year.​ 

© 2022 The Robert Machemer Foundation

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